Sunday, May 31, 2009


I am busy working on a collage, and as is usually the case my mind is very active as I build layer upon layer of paper very patiently.

As I worked today a conversation I had with another artist in my building kept circulating in my head. The artist mentioned something regarding "now that you have a formula it is pretty much an issue of cranking them out."

This is certainly not the case with these works. I approach every piece as a new challenge, of refinement, expression, of understanding the individual in that moment of time. The actual process of applying the paper is rather straight forward, but every mark is made as though it is the exact mark that is meant to be there, in terms of color, value and the description of its shape. I view these works as operating as both representational works and abstractions. As there is no blending per se, the marks move in and around the forms creating a lattice work of levels, at moments in the process the open areas of color read like precise versions of a Pollock gestural work, and over time develop into forms that on the proper distance congeal to create an arm, a cheekbone, an eye.

The collage works are as much about the process as they are about the finished product. Every mark is a comment on the emotional presence of the model, descriptive as well as gestural.

Friday, May 29, 2009


This blog is about things that feed my gallery and street art, and this cat has been a major player in my life. 

My wife and I put him to sleep today. 

Thank you Fozzy, you have made my life more full.

Rest in peace.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Indexing Reference

So I apologize to you all for not keeping this blog up to date. I am burning the oil overtime. 

I have a large series of street based prints that are in the process of being carved, and them come the multi-layer wood color layers. 
I am very busy with the collages as well. Finished what I feel is the most intricate one I have ever executed, and am working on a companion piece for it currently.

Eduardo Galeano's Memory of Fire(Genesis)
Sharon Old's One Secret Thing

Listening to:

Sigor Ros' Med sud I eyrum vid spilum endalaust
William S. Burroughs read Naked Lunch

Want to see the Francis Bacon Exhibit at the Met.

But for now, going home to have a glass of port and hit the hay.