Monday, December 22, 2008

Mostly Memory

Mostly Memory

December 12 - January 2, 2009 

Thinkspace Gallery
4210 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Open Thursday - Sunday
1pm - 6 pm  or by appointment

Portion of the installation room for  Mostly Memory. Image courtesy of Thinkspace Gallery.

Hey folks. For those of you following my blog, I am so pleased to be in a magnificent show with ARMSROCK at Thinkspace gallery in LA. If you are in LA, near LA or have ever even thought about LA, even if you haven't this is the reason to go to LA.

You can check out photos from the opening night on the Thinkspace Flickr Page as well as the Lord Jim Flickr Page.

If you are interested in acquiring any of the remaining pieces from the show you can view the show pieces here.

For all inquiries regarding the show please email

Friday, December 19, 2008

Double Boiler

Well I'm back. Wrapping up a couple loose ends for the year and then it is on to more. I am going to start a new project called Black Book Blogger, and you can email submissons to please put "blackbook submissions" as the title.

Starting a major project for Black Rat Press this year and will keep posts of the progress on that front. Keep your eyes peeled on the street as well.

Thanks to all who have been following this blog, and have a great New Year.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Here kitty

Saw this in the Orlando Sentinel.